
A Collection of Transit Apps + A Public Data API

API Docs


Data provided by NEXT-Transit is derived from GTFS data provided by each transit agency. In addition to the default GTFS data, the API provides transformations that may be useful to client applications. For example, GTFS data is not organized to give a single, canonical list of stops for a given route. NEXT-Transit data provides this list, as well as a similar simplified shapes for each route. Finally, NEXT-Transit provides paginated next-to-arrive trip results.

All API requests labeled with Requires API Key require your unique API key to be included as a query parameter.
Example: GET /routes?api_key=[my_api_key]
To request access and get an API key, email nextsepta [at]

Additional notes:

  • Agencies are implicit given your API key, so that you don't have to provide it on every request.
  • Therefore, you will need a new key for each agency to which you want to make requests.
  • Every URL-based param can alternatively be passed as a query param. E.g. /agencies?agency_id instead of /agencies/agency_id
  • All requests are limited to 200 results by default.


Transit Agencies (localities) for which data is provided by NEXT-Transit.

GET /agencies
GET /agencies/[slug]
  "slug": "septa",
  "agency_name": "SEPTA"

Route Types

Available mode of transit types. E.g. Trains, Subways, Buses, Light Rail, etc.

GET /route_types
GET /route_types/[route_type_id]
  "route_type_id": 1,
  "slug": "subways",
  "label": "Subways",
  "route_type_order": -1,
  "color": "#477997",
  "parent": null


List of routes for an agency.

GET /routes
GET /routes/[slug]
GET /route_types/[route_type_id]/routes
  "slug": "bss",
  "route_short_name": "BSS",
  "route_long_name": "ATT Station to Fern Rock TC",
  "route_desc": null,
  "route_type": 1,
  "route_color": "FF9933",
  "route_text_color": "000000",
  "route_url": "",
  "is_rail": false,
  "has_realtime": false,
  "route_name": "BSS",
  "route_type_slug": "subways",
  "color": "#f58220"


Most routes go in more than one direction. E.g. NorthBound, SouthBound, etc. Direction IDs are always "1" or "2"

GET /routes/[slug]/directions
GET /routes/[slug]/directions/[direction_id]
  "direction_id": 1,
  "direction_name": "Northbound",
  "direction_long_name": "Fern Rock Transportation Center"

Simplified Stops

A simplified, canonical list of unique, ordered stops for a given route.

GET /simplified_stops
GET /simplified_stops/[stop_id]
GET /routes/[slug]/directions/[direction_id]/stops
  "direction_id": 1,
  "stop_id": 152,
  "stop_name": "A T and T Station",
  "stop_sequence": 1,
  "stop_lat": "39.905379",
  "stop_lon": "-75.173709"


Simplified routes by route. If a specific route is not provided, a bounding box is required to use as a spatial filter.

GET /shapes?bbox=[left,bottom,right,top]
GET /routes/[slug]/shapes
[ // shape
  [ // line segment
    [ 40.041859, -75.136769 ], // point
    [ 40.041904, -75.137147 ],
    [ 40.04195, -75.137644 ],
    [ 40.041951, -75.13801 ],


Info about data imports. Shows date of important and counts for each data type.

GET /stats
  "id": 11,
  "shapes_count": 772564,
  "stops_count": 13635,
  "routes_count": 151,
  "directions_count": 302,
  "simplified_stops_count": 19533,
  "trips_count": 36544,
  "trip_variants_count": 1031,
  "stop_times_count": 2182240,
  "process_seconds": 0,
  "created_at": "2013-11-12T18:26:02.000Z",
  "simplified_shapes_count": 167777


A trip means a single vehicle, traveling along a single route, starting from a specific stop, and at a specific time. Results show the next five trips from a given starting stop, and optionally showing arrival time at a terminating stop.

GET /routes/[slug]/directions/[direction_id]/stops/[from_stop_id]/trips
GET /routes/[slug]/directions/[direction_id]/stops/[from_stop_id]...[to_stop_id]/trips
  "trip_id": "3886472",
  "block_id": "1",
  "departure_stop_time": {
    "id": 99984738,
    "trip_id": "3886472",
    "arrival_time": "14:55:00",
    "departure_time": "14:55:00",
    "stop_id": 1285,
    "stop_sequence": 4,
    "pickup_type": null,
    "drop_off_type": null,
    "stop_count": null,
    "first_stop_sequence": null,
    "last_stop_sequence": null
  "departure_time_formatted": "2:55 pm",
  "arrival_stop_time": null,
  "arrival_time_formatted": "",
  "from_now": "GONE",
  "gone": true,
  "coverage": {
    "left": 0,
    "right": null,
    "full": true
  "departure_datetime": "2013-11-14 14:55"